Our mis­sion is to improve health, trans­form care and dis­rupt inequitable sys­tems through the Cen­ter­ing group model

Centering Healthcare Institute is a non-profit organization that works closely with healthcare providers from all sectors to change healthcare. With over two decades of experience as the go-to resource for group care, we’ve developed and sustained the Centering model in nearly 500 practice sites and in some of the largest health systems in the world.

Centering® facilitation training

We Offer

  • Implementation support for system change
  • Training in group facilitation and group care
  • Site approval for model fidelity and quality assurance
  • Practice management and support tools
  • Curriculum materials and supplies that support providers and patients
Sharon Rising, 1994, Waterbury Hospital, CT

Our History

Centering started in the 1990’s as one healthcare provider’s idea to provide more effective prenatal care to her patients. Instead of repeating the same information over and over to women one at a time, our founder, Sharon Rising, brought pregnant women together for their prenatal visits. Colleagues who learned about her groups started doing it too, and through word of mouth the demand grew for Centering facilitation trainings across the country.

Our Val­ues


We take own­er­ship of our work. In work­ing with our clients, we take respon­si­bil­i­ty for out­comes to achieve trans­for­ma­tion­al results.

Diversity & Equity

We ingrain diver­si­ty and equi­ty into all we do at CHI. Our com­mit­ment to ensur­ing all peo­ple have access to essen­tial health care is mir­rored by cre­at­ing equi­table con­di­tions in which diverse iden­ti­ties can thrive.


We val­ue part­ner­ship. In doing so, we demon­strate integri­ty and com­pas­sion in a way that builds trust with our clients, our stake­hold­ers and our staff.


We are com­mit­ted to ongo­ing learn­ing and growth. As such, we use data to inform our deci­sions and improve our effec­tive­ness through innovation.


We cul­ti­vate com­mu­ni­ty in every­thing we do through pri­or­i­tiz­ing col­lab­o­ra­tion and team­work. When work­ing with our clients we pro­mote human-cen­tered-care that builds col­lec­tive power.

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