A Bet­ter Health­care Experience

Cen­ter­ing group care deliv­ers bet­ter health out­comes and a bet­ter care expe­ri­ence for patients and their providers 

Cen­ter­ing empow­ers patients, strength­ens patient-provider rela­tion­ships, and builds com­mu­ni­ties through these three main components

Both provider and patient are involved in the health assess­ment. Patients receive one-on-one time with their provider and learn to take some of their own assess­ments. This engages them in their own self-care or care of their child. 

Engag­ing activ­i­ties and facil­i­tat­ed dis­cus­sions help patients to be more informed, con­fi­dent and empow­ered to make health­i­er choic­es for them­selves, their chil­dren and their families. 

One person’s ques­tion is anoth­er one’s ques­tion. Patients quick­ly find com­fort in know­ing they are not alone. Par­tic­i­pa­tion in group care lessens the feel­ings of iso­la­tion and stress while build­ing friend­ships, com­mu­ni­ty and sup­port systems. 

Cen­ter­ing Health­care Insti­tute is Here to Help Your Cen­ter­ing Prac­tice Thrive


Facilitation is the foundation of Centering groups. Our trainings provide guidance on facilitating group discussion, engaging patients in their own care, and the Essential Elements of Centering.

Implementation Support & Consultation

Our Centering Advisors support you throughout the startup process - from building a Steering Committee, starting Centering groups, evaluating your impact and setting the foundation for a successful, sustainable Centering practice.

Policy & Advocacy

When healthcare providers seek to transform healthcare through innovations like Centering, they may face barriers such as productivity measures and reimbursement. We engage policy-makers and health plans on issues such as enhanced reimbursement to address some of the challenges.

Group Supplies & Materials

From patient recruitment to materials for leading engaging in-person and virtual groups, we have created marketing tools, facilitation, leader kits, patient notebooks and more.

How We Work

Readiness Assessment

This is the first step for providers interested in starting Centering. This assessment covers patient and provider volume, group space, and institutional support for Centering.

Centering Implementation Plan

The Centering Implementation Plan pairs practices with a Implementation Advisor to help them establish an impactful, sustainable Centering practice.

Centering Accreditation

Accreditation is a quality assurance and improvement milestone that provides practices with expertise and support to strengthen Centering and give your practice a competitive edge.

Connect with us for more information

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